Nutritional Counselling

Nutritional Counselling

Nutritional counselling is a type of assessment made which analyzes various health needs in regard to diet and exercise. A nutritional counsellor helps people to set achievable health goals and teaches various ways of maintaining these goals throughout their lifetime.

Nutrition is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Without proper nutrition, one does not have enough energy to make it through the day. Also, health declines without proper nutrition, making one more susceptible to illness and disease. Nutritional counselling is sometimes offered at eating disorder treatment clinics for patients in need of anorexia treatment, bulimia help or binge eating assistance.

Such an assessment is beneficial to a wide variety of people and can help those with numerous disorders. During this assessment, the counselor provides information based on a person’s current status, helping to improve overall health.

Many nutritional counsellors recommend fitness programs and nutritional supplements. By seeing a nutritional counsellor instead of looking and testing out various products, time is saved. Through nutritional counselling, basic health needs are met and specialized information is given to fit each person’s everyday lifestyle.

Various benefits of nutritional counselling include:

  • Increase in energy
  • Healthier lifestyle and food choices
  • Better quality sleep
  • Reduced symptoms of disease
  • Less drastic range of emotions
  • Happiness
  • Possible increase in longevity
  • Strengthened immune system
  • Lesser chance of disorders and disease appearing
  • Better ability to concentrate